You have a website, now what?
by wonderkindz
Posted on February 07, 2017 at 10:01 AM
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Businesses all over and of all shapes and sizes now have a web presence. So be it the neighborhoodrestaurant to an IT company-all has one thing in common-a address. Having a website is a wonderful first step into the magical world of the web. Anyone needing any sort of service nowadays just goes onto a search Google and types the keywords and viola!- ends up with a more pages than he even finish going through in a day showing up on his screen. The advent of smart phones and rapid Internet connection has only deepened and strengthened the tie between the common man and the web.
But as we mentioned, a web presence is only the first step. It does not translate to “web nirvana” i.e. successful conversions.There are two primary challenges any business faces after they create their web presence (real smart ones already start working on the challenges at the time of creation of the website).
Challenge A) getting eyeballs i.e. people should see the website when they search or look for something and Challenge B) converting eyeballs to clients.
To succeed in overcoming the above challenges firstly you need to be clear on the demographics of your product. You should be clear on which you are trying to target the product and consequently the web presence you are trying to target to. Trying to be everything to everyone may not be the best approach. Trying to create a niche will be smarter. It may require longer duration of strategizing but it will be time well spent.
You need more than a working knowledge of fantastic tools like Social media, search engine optimization (SEO), blogs, email lists etc. Lets look at some of these tools in more details.
What is meant by Search engine optimization? In pure laymen terms it means that if you have a second hand car dealership and when someone types in “second hand cars” into a search engine you want your website to show up among the top results, if not the top most. How is it ensured? Well you need experts who understand how search engines work and then who can tie in the knowledge of the demographics of your product to ensure your website comes in the top results.
Social media is more than ameans of just remaining in touch with friends. It is now a genuine marketing tool where you can launch products and services and then ensure it gets coverage without a multi million-dollar ad budget. A guy sitting in India can let a guy in Brazil know about the fabulous website editing services he has launched just by posting it in one of the social media sites. While it may sound simple, it has nuances, which an expert can help you with better. Just having a ton of fan or followers or likes does not mean they convert to actual sales. You need to be targeting the right customers and also providing customized messaging for the targeted audience.
Creating and maintaining blogs is an excellent way to ensure the “fans” and “likes” you acquire on the web road continue to remain engaged with you. With the busy schedule of business owner’s things like publishing regular blog articles can sometimes slip in the list of priorities. Hiring a partner with expertise in the area can be beneficial.
Email lists can be bought/acquired to send email blasts to potential customers. Letting a professional firm like ours to do it can ensure the right sort of targeted lists are selected and the email content is suited for the audience instead of a “one size fits” all methodology.
We at Wonderkindz provide a free report, which will tell you how you are faring as compared to your competition in the area of web presence.
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