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There are two types of people. One type reads, the other type views.
If you’re a business, or a blogger, there’s no reason why you should limit yourself to just one group of people.
Makes sense, too.
If you hit both groups, you’ll get more traffic, make more sales, and help out more people.
Your writing might show off your personality, but it’s just not the same, and I suppose it makes sense.
Text-based content is a very one-dimensional medium.
Video on the other hand is a triple threat.
Not only can people hear you, they can read whatever it is you’re writing.
#1: The Fusiform Facial area makes us pay attention to faces – this is an actual brain function that hard-wires us to use the human face as a gathering point for information and believability.
#2:Voice conveys rich information – yes, the simple sound of a human voice speaking to us has an amazing way of converting information into meaningful content.
#3: Emotions are contagious – here’s a subtle but powerful aspect that we may take for granted. The body language of emotions is an appealing and we naturally love to share.
#4: Movement grabs attention – another trait that runs deep in our collective anthropological DNA is the power of peripheral motion. Since the Stone Age, we’ve survived by noticing things in motion – looks like we still do!
Get started today – contact us for cost effective creative 2d/3d videos.